VMWare->Xen migrated image does not boot


I've a Windows Server 2003 installation on VMWare Server 1. Using the instructions at http://ian.blenke.com/vmware/vmdk/xen/hvm/qemu I converted this virtual machine to a Xen image (Xen 3.3). However, I still get the 0x000007b bluescreen. As the domU reboots right away I have a hard time seeing any additional information, but I guess it probably is related to the whole scsi/ide switch.

Is there anything else I can do? For starters, keeping the blue screen visible would be a nice start. Also maybe any drivers missing in Microsoft's kb 314082 article (see link via above one) that I need on Xen 3.3?

Best Answer

Have you tried booting the VM with a Windows 2003 installation CD and attempting a repair of the installation it finds?