VPN into SonicWall behind another NAT/Router


The SonciWall has been put behind another device and despite everything being forwarded to the SonicWall I can no longer VPN in (UPDATE: "The peer is not responding to phase 1 ISAKMP requests" is logged in the global VPN client).

I think this is something to do with the IKE exchange using ISKAMP (although the 2 UDP ports Group policy sets in the firewall are also forwarded) being dropped by the new device.

Is there anything I can do? Is it possible to use a different method than IKE to establish VPN?


  • It is a SonicWall TZ170
  • Internet connection is up
  • I have the correct IP – I can connect using other applications

Best Answer

You mention that you forwarded UDP ports - what about the different IP protocols? (AH and ESP - IP protocol numbers 50 and 51 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_IP_protocol_numbers). Do you have those two forwarded to the SonicWall?