Vps – Combine VPN bandwith over two or more WAN connections? Load balancing

load balancinguploadvpnvpswide-area-network

Imagine you only have DSL with 5mbps Down and 2mbps Up.

Is it possible to have 10 of these for example and combine them in a way that would increase the upstrean bandwidth to one server?

In my head it works like this:

  • intranet with one gateway/router
  • router connected to multi wan load ballancer
  • on each ballancer wan port router with vpn clinet set up, tunneling to a server
  • ?some? software on the server in cloud joining all these connection into one interface again

Sketch of multiwan connection

I would need this mostly for big uploads to a server, downlink to the office is not that important at all.
Does it even make sense? I drew an image to clarify.

Best Answer

You can accomplish load sharing, but not true load balancing. No individual flow could be faster than the speed of the fastest individual link. It can be a win if there are a lot of users, for example, but won't be much help in the case you cite (transferring a large file).

That said - you'd be far better served just getting a faster circuit. Unequal cost load balancing is notoriously hard to accomplish, there's a lot of complexity in monitoring / managing / maintaining multiple VPN tunnels and the amount of effort sunk into it likely would far surpass the point of diminishing returns.

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