Vps – configure Reverse DNS for VPS with amazon route 53, ISP or Amazon Route 53 issue


i have a VPS hosted with myhosting.com, the domain is hosted in godaddy and the DNS records are managed in AMAZON route 53. i was told by myhosting support that i should create a PTR record on my DNS but i have read that in order to reverse DNS for an IP this record should be created in the ISP records wich sounds have sense.

because if i want to get the domain name via an IP the request will never be forwarded to AMAZON instead it will ask the ISP for it

am i rigth or MyHosting support is correct and i should setup PTR record on Amazon which i already did


Best Answer

This is common if you have a small subnet delegated from your ISP. It's called RFC 2317 delegation or something like that.

Many ISPs will have you create a PTR record, under your domain (i.e. oscar.com which you have control over), and put a CNAME in their reverse zone (i.e. 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa which the ISP has control over).

For example, for an IP address of, the reverse record would be A reverse lookup would look for that record from the owner of the IP address (in your case, myhosting.com or their parent ISP).

The ISP would normally have a record like IN PTR net223ip15.myhosting.com

But in the cname delegation method, they have something like this: IN CNAME 15.oscar.223.222.221.oscar.com

Then you create a record in your zone like this:

    15.oscar.223.222.221.oscar.com IN PTR www.oscar.com

Then folks will look up and follow the CNAME from to 15.oscar.223.222.221.oscar.com to www.oscar.com.

I've never had this done for a single IP, but I've had several ISPs do something like this for routed subnets.

Check with myhosting.com to see if they have a preference or specification for the record. But I think this is the general story behind the delegation.