Vps – DNS config issue: Too few IPv4 name servers (1)


I have run a pingdom dns check on my website offerteinternet.net, here is the page for reference: http://dnscheck.pingdom.com/?domain=offerteinternet.net.

The error I am having is that I have only one IPv4 name server, while I should actually have two in place:


On another test I did here http://cloudmonitor.ca.com/en/dnstool.php?vhost=_&vtt=1377078007&varghost=offerteinternet.net&vaction=trace&trace=analyse the nameserver ns1.v00h2l-gsv.sphostserver.com gives a fatal response.

The same thing happens with other websites/domains hosted on the same VPS (Centos 6 + WHM/cPanel + Varnish). What is causing the issue?

Moreover the SOA returns an error when trying to deliver email to the owner. This is actually due to the fact that my address is surname.name@gmail.com, but on the SOA record it actually reads surname.name.gmail.com (which is the correct syntax) and when trying to interprete the address the system puts the @ in the wrong place, making it surname@name.gmail.com. Is this even a problem to worry about?

Best Answer

It looks like ns1.v00h2l-gsv.sphostserver.com and ns2.v00h2l-gsv.sphostserver.com point to the same IP address (in fact the same IP address as offerteinternet.net). The reason two (or more) separate nameservers are suggested is to improve availability by providing redundancy.

If both entries end up on the same IP address, and there is a routing problem to that IP address, then you lose the ability to do DNS lookups for your zone.

For the email address in the SOA entry, you have two options:

  1. Gmail specifically ignores dots in usernames, so first.last@gmail.com is the same as firstlast@gmail.com. So the simplest thing to do would be to remove the first dot in your SOA email, i.e. make it firstlast.gmail.com, because it will still end up in your inbox
  2. Escape the dot in your username with a slash, e.g. first\.last.gmail.com

Note that the Gmail behaviour in 1. is not universal - you can't assume it works if you move to a different mail server

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