Vps – reseting password not working in KVM guest


I lost the root password for a guest system.

I mounted the guest system and changed it to single user mode. Then I used virsh console to access the guest system, which was now in single user mode, and used a command echo "root":"123456" | chpasswd to reset the password.

However, after the guest system rebooted, I couldn't access it. The new password was incorrect (Login incorrect). However, if I mount the guest system again in host, and call chroot, I verified that the new password was working by switching to a regular account, and switching back to root and entered the new password.

Both the server version and guest version of OS are the latest centos version.

Best Answer

You've posted an SELinux denial, wherein login is being denied access to read /etc/passwd. From looking at the log entry I can see that it has an invalid security context (it should be passwd_file_t, not file_t; did you manually edit this file?).

I recommend you fix the security context on /etc/passwd (and the rest of the system just to be safe).

To fix invalid security contexts, chroot back into the filesystem and then run:

restorecon -r -v /

If this fails (e.g. because SELinux is not running in your chroot) then

touch /.autorelabel

and reboot the VM, to have it relabeled at the next reboot.