Vps – Telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused (Postfix – Ubuntu 14.04 VPS)


I have installed postfix following this tutorial but when I try to telnet mail.mydomain.com 110 (995,993,143 or 25) it throws the following error: Telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

I looked at this answer of ServerFault but it couldn't help!
Any clue how to fix this (or a link to another tutorial), I've been trying to install a servermail on my VPS for a week now, cannot get it to work!

Best Answer

Run nmap on the IP address that the name mail.example.com resolves to. Nmap will list all open ports on the machine.

In the /etc/postfix/master.conf under the smptd you can add ports

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