VSphere Client – Console missing bottom and right of screen


I just recently installed ESXI on a server for some basic tasks, but now I'm having a problem with my windows VM.

The thing is, the bottom and the right-hand side of the screen go beyond what the VSphere Client is showing me (This happens with an external console as well as the tabbed one)

Here is what I mean:

  • "New Window" console:

    "New Window" console

  • "Tabbed" console

    "Tabbed" console

I haven't been able to find ANYTHING pertaining to this on here or on google. What I tried so far, however:

  • Restart the server VM
  • Restart ESXI
  • Restart my Computer
  • Go to View -> fiddle with the auto-fit settings (no change at all)
  • Change the VM's resolution (Migitated the problem somewhat, as I can see more window content, but there is still a lot missing at 1024×786, which is the smallest it willl go)
  • Change my resolution
  • Unplug my extra screens (I have 3 including my laptop)

The used ESXI Server is Version 6.0.0, I am on Windows 10.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

This is easy to fix, go properties of the vSphere Client shortcut icon (used to launch vSphere) >> compatibility >> tick "disable display scaling on high DPI settings"