Way to allow command in sudo based on the current working directory


I want sudo to allow me to run a command when my current working directory is, for example, /tmp. Example usage is removing files from /tmp directory, so I am in /tmp ($PWD of shell == /tmp), then I can run, rm -v someuseless.bin (someuseless.bin of course not belongs to me, so I can't remove it).
If it is impossible (I can't find references in sudo manuals), then why? Maybe there is a security violation that I did not spotted here. Thanks.

Best Answer

You can definitely embed the $cwd in sudoers, to allow someone only to remove a file under a particular directory, but you're going the wrong way about it. The way to do what you want is to use absolute paths in sudoers, eg

orc       ALL=(ALL) /bin/rm /tmp/someuseless.bin