Way to cancel (or pause or postpone) a Mirror/RAID Resynch in Disk Management (Win2k3)


I have a software RAID setup in Windows Server 2003, which recently had a disk go bad. I replaced the disk, and rebuilt the array. Every time I reboot though, it automatically starts rebuilding the array. The resynching slows disk access down to a crawl, so is there a way to stop or pause it. I have 1 RAID 5, and 2 separate Mirrors, and its trying to resynch all 3 arrays at the same time. This basically makes my bootup time over 48 hours! I'd like to postpone the array rebuilds until after I copy all my precious data off it.

Best Answer

Pull the disk out. It's going to provide you the same level of redundancy than an array that's rebuilding anyway (ie none)