Way to see the update deadline time in WSUS


Is there a way to see the update deadline times for updates in WSUS? In the Updates view I can only see if an update has a deadline or not, not the actual time.

This is the deadline time you can set for updates to force them to install by that time.

Best Answer

This is kind of kludgy, but if you have SQL access to SUSDB you could do something like

SELECT     TOP (1000) PUBLIC_VIEWS.vUpdate.DefaultTitle, PUBLIC_VIEWS.vComputerTargetGroup.Name as TargetGroup, PUBLIC_VIEWS.vUpdateApproval.Action, 
                      PUBLIC_VIEWS.vUpdateApproval.Deadline, PUBLIC_VIEWS.vUpdateApproval.CreationDate
FROM         PUBLIC_VIEWS.vUpdateApproval INNER JOIN
                      PUBLIC_VIEWS.vUpdate ON PUBLIC_VIEWS.vUpdateApproval.UpdateId = PUBLIC_VIEWS.vUpdate.UpdateId INNER JOIN
                      PUBLIC_VIEWS.vComputerTargetGroup ON 
                      PUBLIC_VIEWS.vUpdateApproval.ComputerTargetGroupId = PUBLIC_VIEWS.vComputerTargetGroup.ComputerTargetGroupId
WHERE PUBLIC_VIEWS.vUpdate.CreationDate > '7/1/13' 
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