Wbinfo -u does not show AD users (is empty)


We have a problem on a Ubuntu Server 14.04 (fileserver) connected to AD on a Windows Server 2008 R2 using Samba (version 4.3.8)/WinBind and Kerberos. The problem is that users do not have writing permissions in their personal folders.

We also noted that when using wbinfo -u, the output does not give an error but produces an empty list and it does not even show local users. However, wbinfo -g correctly shows the AD groups.

This setup worked fine until yesterday. We set up another fresh Ubuntu server configured identically and it produced the same problem.

Joining and trust with AD works fine:

net ads join -U administrator
Enter administrator's password:
Using short domain name -- NTB
Joined 'UBUNTUTEST' to dns domain 'NTB.local'

Any idea what the problem may be or how we can troubleshoot it further?

Best Answer

Try to add the following line to your smb.conf:

client ldap sasl wrapping = plain

It seems as this has caused some trouble lately.