Web-server – Any ASP.Net website takes 1 minute to load? Html Sites load instantly


I am using IIS6.0 on a Windows 2003 SP3 VPS.

When I access an ASP.Net website on that server, i.e. http://website.example.com/ it takes over a minute to load. If I load a standard website that's just HTML, it loads instantly.

Once the site has been successfully opened in one browser on a machine, all the other browsers can open the page straight away.

If I leave it for approximately 30 minutes I have to wait a long time again to load the site. I've tried this on 5 different machines on 3 different Internet connections. Each different machine has to wait for the site to load, even when another has already opened it.

The ASP.Net sites I am testing are single pages, with no actual code. The page should load in about 0.25s on a 2Mb/s connection.

Any ideas what's wrong with the server to cause this behaviour and how can I fix it?


I nuked the server and started it again with a new image. The same thing happens with 2 different asp.net websites that both load instantly on another server when tested.

Best Answer

I've been down this road before and it wasn't actually the compile time. It was due to a broken component in IIS. Removing and reinstalling IIS fixed it. In our case I remember that I found a Microsoft technote describing it. Trying searching MS.

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