Web-server – Exchange Web Services Configuration – 403 Error


Our sys admins have set up a new Exchange 2007 server. We want to use Exchange Web Services to access an email inbox from a web application. When we browse to /ews/exchange.asmx (using https) on the Exchange server, we get a 403 Error:

Error Code: 403 Forbidden. The server denied the specified Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Contact the server administrator. (12202) 

Should we be able to browse to this page? If so, what needs to happen for this to work properly?

Best Answer

I just tested this URI on our company Exchange server. I was presented with a login dialog, and after entering my credentials, the webservice returned an XML response.

Do you get a logon dialog or does it redirect to the 403 page immediately?

You could try to verify the configuration of Exchange web services by using the Exchange Management Shell, by using the test-* cmdlets. A detailed article here: Testing Exchange 2007 With PowerShell (Part 1)

Not sure if this one will help you, but it's a real cool testing tool: :) https://www.testexchangeconnectivity.com/