Web-server – How do we create fail-over DNS for web services


I am trying to setup a completely failsafe DNS system. Our web application serving infrastructure is sound with multiple failover servers but DNS is a weak-point for us. We currently tell our domain registrar to use our hosting providers name-servers. From there I utilise a virtual DNS server to forward to the relevant web-server/load-balancer.

However, my problem is that if the domain registrars domain servers were to go down then surely we would lose our site as well? Am I correct on this assumption? If so how would we make this fail-safe. I have researched the use of managed DNS providers which provide multiple fail-over DNS servers but even if we use this does this still not make the domain name registrar the weak point in the chain?

Thanks for any assistance.

Best Answer

I'm very much as "do it yourself" guy when it comes to almost all tech, including hosting. But I don't host my own DNS because it's so critically important and commercial providers are extremely cheap.

All my zones are hosted at ZoneEdit. Each of my zones has at least two US-based DNS servers (the min. required), but a couple of my more important zones also have a third server located in a separate network in Germany. I could add additional servers if I felt it was necessary. Total cost for this? About $20/year/zone.

Edit: The concern about a registrar's servers going down is understandable but unwarranted. The hierarchical nature of DNS means that your site will continue to work even if they go offline. The root servers are at the top of the hierarchy and are the only part of DNS that must remain operational for everything to work.

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