Web-server – How to get local webserver to the external ip


Problem: I am trying to run a webserver from my computer. I see the request getting to the server, but am unable to see the page on the browser due to a "Errno 10054: An existing connection was forcibly closed by remote host" in my server logs. Firefox displays "The connection was reset". Below describes my current setup:

Setup: SpeedTouch ST516 (modem) in bridged mode –> DI-524 Router set up in with PPPoE connection. On my router, I have setup port 80 to be forwarded to (my computer's IP address). I have started my webserver server on

Scenario: When I go to my browser and type in http://myextIP, I see the request getting to the server, an even see a "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200, but a few seconds later displays an "Errno 10054: An existing connection was forcibly closed by remote host". I have disabled the Windows firewall, but have unable to resolve this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Best Answer

Try it from a different location that originates outside your network. Not that hard to do at a moments notice: go to Google's language translation service and request that it translate a page on your web server.

It's tricky to get firewall rules just right so that packets that originate inside end up coming back in in the right way.

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