Web-server – Rackspace Cloud Sites: Compute Cycles exploding. Very expensive


Since last week my compute cycles (CC) went through the roof (Rackspace Cloud Sites). Normally I stay under the 10,000 cycles per month . Now this month I already have more than 75,000 compute cycles. I don't have more visitors and I did not change anything in the code. I looked in the raw log files, that didn't help either…

This explosion of CC already costs me more than 750 USD right now. And still counting.

Anyone know what to do? I have contacted Rackspace last week. But still no solution/answer…. Looks like Rackspace is liking the money!

Help! Thanks.

Best Answer

Can you not ask for it to be capped? seems like it's a license for them to print money if you can't. What tools do they provide for you?

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