Web-server – Risks of using django manage.py runserver for production in a small scale server, for internal use


I am writing a small web-app with django. It will have no more than 200 users, all internal to my company. I want to set it up as quickly as possible. I am new to django and web-apps.

As I read django's tutorial, they don't recommend using python manage.py runserver to deploy the production server, but they don't give any reasons.

I suspect that for my very modest purposes, django's runserver will do fine. Am I correct? What risks am I running?

Best Answer

From the manage.py documentation:

DO NOT USE THIS SERVER IN A PRODUCTION SETTING. It has not gone through security audits or performance tests. (And that’s how it’s gonna stay.

That's all you need to know to make a decision on this.

If you're deploying a python web app, even for a low-load, internal-use only project, it is still very much worth the extra work to learn a proper way to host the application, as it's quite likely that you'll need to use those skills at some point in the future.

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