Web-server – Solaris Administration Web GUI


I recently installed Solaris 11 x86 text install ( http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/solaris11/downloads/index.html?ssSourceSiteId=ocomen) to be used as a file server running ZFS.

I noticed that I'm given the bare minimum in terms of packages. Is there an official oracle web GUI for managing ZFS? I ran a netstat and it doesn't appear to have installed any webserver that's listening. I saw something from a couple years ago, but apparently it's not packaged or maintained anymore

I tried pkg install network-console, but it says that the package isn't available for my platform.

Any ideas? I'd like to stick with Oracle Solaris instead of the open source alternatives, if possible.

Best Answer

I don't believe you have any options that will drop-in on your existing installation.

For manageability, I'd look at the free or commercial offerings from Nexenta/NexentaStor or napp-it.

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