Web-server – What could be causing random image/css dropping, 503 errors on a apache/php hosting website


I host my PHP website on shared hosting.

It's worked well for a year.

All of a sudden last week it started to randomly drop images, sometimes does not load the CSS file, and often gets 503 errors.

My provider says it is "too much traffic".

But since this has started to happen, traffic has gone down considerably of course, and it is still happening, that "heavy traffic" is the cause I find a bit illogical since if it is caused by heavy traffic, less traffic would solve the problem.

Here are 16 screenshots showing this random image dropping from the site throughout the day.
http://tanguay.info/web/external/tinfoLoadingErrors.jpg (450K .jpg)

I've copied my site to another Apache/PHP server and it loads fine every time.

For those of you with experience hosting Apache/PHP site:

  • what would you consider to be likely causes of random image dropping, etc.?
  • what kinds of things can I ask my provider to check?
  • what kinds of things could I check to find the cause of this problem (e.g. log files, create a test site of some kind, etc.)

Best Answer

Can you paste in what the Apache logs say in one instance where an image is not displayed? The first thing I'd like to know is if Apache itself sees the image-dropping as a problem.

As for the 503...

HTTP 503 is the standard HTTP error which just means Service Unavailable as you probably already know; It could be that a program (required program) has not started on the web-server, or has otherwise crashed.

This one should make a clear entry in the logs of the error of what exactly went wrong - because the web server is obviously sending the 503.

I think the 503 should be easier to troubleshoot than the first (missing images) problem, and may leak more info to solve the first problem too.

Good luck!