ASP.NET – Fixing WebResource.axd and ScriptResource.axd 404 Not Found


I got my web application to run on a shared hosting…. When i inspected through firebug i found WebResource.axd and ScriptResource.axd returned 404 not found….

WebResource.axd?d=rpqvYNSuvgzlFHiQAGNqVg2&t=633861392532362500404 not found

ScriptResource.axd?d=QH2WS5PI-hjjDYgFwsGU2R-Ze_5jnx-rARAoYxg3JBJyMBl78kd2glg_Q2erkzpacmOcEqLLKqaqHoUVJifLezkXnAGUAWVurxXH feAY8yI1&t=ffffffff873865f3404 not found

Then i searched in stackoverflow and found this link,

ASP.NET web application – WebResource.axd and ScriptResource.axd files – Loading time issue

It didnt help me… I am on shared hosting… I use 3.5 sp1 and sqlserver2005..

I dont use any ajax libraries...

Best Answer

Maybe the HTTP handler was deactived globally. You could try to add this to the httpHandler section of your web.config and see what happens:

<add path="WebResource.axd" verb="GET" type="System.Web.Handlers.AssemblyResourceLoader" validate="true"/>