Website with optimal cache control


My goal

I would like to let browsers cache my whole website, but only download the new information when I have changed one or more files.

My situation
After some research I have found a way to do this. That is to add a Far Future Expires Header to my htaccess file and add a querystring to my files using the filemtime() function.

The problem

When I click on the address bar and type in my website address in firefox, then Firebug displays
38.3 KB (36.4 KB from cache)

When I press F5 in firefox, then Firebug displays:
241.1 KB (10.9 KB from cache)

Now I have tried to do the same with Google and they are sending HTTP header 304 back. I have read a lot about ETag and the Last Modified header, but I have heard a lot of people saying that they are not really reliable.

My question

What would be the best solution if I would like to send HTTP header 304 back if the user presses on F5, like Google?


It seems that Firefox is controlling the way the cache is used and I would like to use the cache also when a user presses F5.

Best Answer

As suggested @symcbean, and is the recommended practice to use unique URLs to avoid any problem with stale/new content. Anyway to eliminate the 304 requests remove the ETags and Last-Modified tag.

The URL below provides good tips for speeding/caching web pages.