WebSocket Connection closed before receiving a handshake response


Due to WebSocket connections I am facing issue and due to this other response to stop receiving.

I have configured BIMServer to response back to my application and render 3D view loading individual component on viewer(pop-up window).

I am receiving below error in google chrome.

WebSocket connection to 'wss://?/bimserver/stream' failed: Connection
closed before receiving a handshake response

What I had tried.

I have tried to redirect this request in apache 2.4.7 by using proxyPass and redirect to the actual address with IP.

I wanted to know how we can configure it apache2.4.7 to ignore wss request.

Best Answer

Not sure if this meets your problem completely. But the WebSocket Connection error can be resolved by using the ReconnectingWebSocket script by joewalnes.

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