Wget not getting all files


I have issues using wget,

basically I use it like:

wget -m ftp://username:password@hostname.com:/path/to/dirs

After everything's complete (it says xxx files in xx MB for xx seconds), however, when I inspect the files, I notice it actually didn't completely download everything, am I missing something?

Best Answer

There's nothing wrong with your command (except a missing port, which wget can handle).

How are you verifying your local files are the same as the remote ones? You could try retrieving a problematic file with cURL for comparison. If you are certain they're different then I suspect it's something to do with the FTP server.


  • the FTP server's transfer logs - are the transfers listed as complete?
  • in wget's output: is the Length header returned or do you see Length: unspecified
  • any errors in wget's output