Wget on busybox v1.9.1


I have busybox 1.9.1 runing in huawei router. There is few commands, one of them wget and I want to use it, but there is some strange syntax.

When I type wget www.google.com like I do normaly on my debian/mint etc, i get help message in this form:

Usage: wget [OPTION]... HOST

wget download and upload a file via HTTP

        -g    Download
        -s    Upload
        -v    Verbose
        -u    Username to be used
        -p    Password to be used
        -l    Local file path
        -r    Remote file path
        -P    Port to be used, optional
        -B    Bind local ip, optional
        -A    Remote resolved ip, optional
        -b    Transfer start position
        -e    Transfer length
        -m    Max transfer size
        -c    Compress downloaded file

I tried to use anything, like wget -g url or wget -g -r url, but nothing works, i always get only this help message again. Can someone help me?

Best Answer

I'm not sure why the other user was voted down. The correct syntax for my Huawei HG610 router is exactly as he says.

For example:

wget -g -v -l /tmp/test.html -r /

The above will retrieve the page at and save it to /tmp/test.html