What are records in ‘netstat’ command are when using logstash


I use logstash with embedded elasticsearch. My logstash config looks like the following:

output {
  tdout { debug => true debug_format => "json"}

  elasticsearch {
    embedded => true
    cluster => "logs"

When I issue command to see all opened ports by using

netstat -plunt

I get the following:
enter image description here

What means :::* in the third column are? Does it mean that embedded elasticsearch opens 9200, 9300 and 9301 ports for listening from anywhere?

If so how could I restrict elasticsearch to listen only from localhost?

Best Answer

Hey it seems I get a trick and I've bound elasticsearch to my local machine but I had to write full machine IP instead just "" or localhost. Also in the third column I still see


enter image description here

Whats wrong?

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