What are some “must have” iPhone/iTouch apps for IT people


I just got my iPhone, and am on an app-downloading spree. Help me build my list of apps!

I'm marking this question as fun so that we can also include apps that aren't necessarily useful for IT people, but that IT people might enjoy. However, if it is more of a "fun" app, please mark your answer community wiki.

Also, here's the comparable question on stackoverflow.

Best Answer

Collecting into one big answer:

  • Citrix Client
  • Air Sharing (use it like a network-attached thumbdrive)
  • Skype (to keep in contact with your other clients)
  • iStat for monitoring Max OS X.
  • Slicehost Pro.
  • Analytics for Google Analytics.
  • TouchTerm (SSH client)
  • SSH Client (iSSH)
  • Mylite (for looking inside servers when you have no torch!)
  • Snap: network scan (ports, services)
  • Network Ping Lite: discover and ping IP addresses
  • Remote Desktop Lite: Remote Desktop
  • sSubNet: subnet mask calculator
  • WinAdmin: Windows Remote Desktop