Hosting Website from Home – Pitfalls of Hosting a Website from Home


So, it's not terribly difficult to host a website from home. It doesn't seem to make sense to pay a 3rd party to host some low traffic websites, so in some cases hosting from your home computer makes sense .But maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture.

Here are some of the pitfalls I can think of:

  • Dynamic IP address can bring the website down temporarily
  • Power can go out for extended periods of time
  • Internet provider can go down easier
  • Limited bandwidth and bandwidth caps by ISP
  • Potential contract issues with ISP not allowing website hosting

Are there others?

Best Answer

  • Electricity cost vs. Hosting cost
  • You usually don't have much redundancy at home (i.e. only one server with no automatic failover)
  • Cost of making the setup redundant vs. Hosting Cost
  • You need to be careful to separate your Server from your home network, otherwise security issues in your server can lead to a breach of your private network
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