What are the benefits of a self signed certificate on a live site


Are there any benefits of a self signed certificate on a live site?

I know in IIS 7 you have the ability to self sign a certificate and I was wondering if using that as a precurser to buying one from a CA would be a good idea.

Do you get the same encryption benefits that you get from a CA signed cert or am I confusing terms? (running off the https protocol)

Best Answer

The encryption is not a property of the certificate or where it is signed from. The benefit you get from a CA signed cert is that it is automatically trusted by web browsers (and other SSL-aware applications). A self-signed certificate will pop up a warning that the certificate is not trusted. In more recent browsers, such as FireFox 3, the default action is to refuse to show the page and the user has to take deliberate actions to enable use of a self-signed (or expired, for that matter) certificate.

If you can talk to everyone who will use the web page (if this is for your family only, for example), this isn't a problem. Tell them to expect that warning and how to handle it in their browser and it's a one-time issue.

However, if this is for any use that requires anything approaching real security, you probably want a true, signed, not self-signed certificate.