What are the best practices to manage UPS in windows 2008 R2


with win2k3 i used the ups service to monitor usb connected UPS and launch scripts when ups meets critical battery condition.

The ups service is no more available in win2k8 and power management seems to be minimalist : in fact i can only choose to shutdown server in the critical battery action. I dont have the option to send a mail nor run a script in that case.
I dont want to install specific software like powerchute to handle battery's alerts.

How do you monitor your ups, and run specific actions when AC is down ?
Is it good to use a wmi request each X seconds to get the win32_battery counters ?

Best Answer

There is nothing built in to take more specific action in battery status (other than notify and shutdown) for more granular action you would have to write a powershell script and monitor the win32_battery class