What are the Minimum requirements for TLS 1.2 on Apache Web server


I am trying to figure out how to enable TLS 1.2, but finding out exactly what is required is not easy. Looking at This Question shows a required config but is marked out of date, and the 2nd answer implies the only other requirement was an OpenSSL of at least version 1.0.1 which at the time of the answer posting (almost 4.5 years ago) was not released at the time according to the answer. Other results mention the need for a specific Apache version as well, but while most agree on a specific version or so, some others point to significantly older versions, or only the newer versions.

Now, years later in early 2016, TLS 1.2 is becoming a requirement if one wishes to use some web services, but the only information on the requirements for updating is years old and scattered at best, with the top google results including things like that question which are marked as out of date. So, what are the actual requirements then for enabling TLS 1.2 on an Apache server? What versions of what are required, and is that config the only other requirement?

Best Answer

Openssl 1.0.1 is required. Depending on whether your Apache is statically compiled against Openssl or not it may require a recompile. So there is no specific version of Apache that is needed - though I'd imagine 2.2 is a minimum since nothing before that's supported.

I would concur with Andras that if going to the hassle of installing a later version of openssl, and especially if having to recompile Apache, then might as well upgrade both Apache and Openssl to the latest stable versions (though it should be noted that there are significant changes between Apache 2.2 and 2.4 that make an upgrade not as trivial as just installing the new software but you are likely to have to go through that upgrade at some point anyway). TLS 1.2 is a requirement for other services because of security security issues - not just because they like making your life hard so to say TLS 1.2 has nothing to do with security it just wrong. But that's just my opinion.