What do the RTT numbers mean in a TraceRoute result


I have this traceroute result, and I am wondering what EXACTLY do the 3 numbers mean at the end of each line? I assume they are ping times, but what exactly is the difference between each number?

 1  L300.DLLSTX-VFTTP-49.verizon-gni.net (  9.429 ms  9.867 ms  10.095 ms
 2  G0-1-849.DLLSTX-LCR-08.verizon-gni.net (  10.075 ms  9.887 ms  10.075 ms
 3  so-6-2-0-0.DFW01-BB-RTR2.verizon-gni.net (  28.547 ms  39.649 ms  9.992 ms
 4  0.ae2.BR1.DFW13.ALTER.NET (  10.110 ms  9.298 ms  10.109 ms
 5  * * *
 6  ae-2-70.edge4.Dallas3.Level3.net (  *  9.798 ms  10.115 ms
 7  ORACLE-CORP.edge4.Dallas3.Level3.net (  10.093 ms  9.374 ms  10.100 ms
 8  adcq7-swi-7-xe-0-1-0.oracle.com (  10.310 ms  11.980 ms  12.480 ms
 9  ora-141-146-3-31.oracle.com (  12.458 ms  12.190 ms  12.629 ms
10  bigip-www-adc.oracle.com ( [open]  12.353 ms  2947.212 ms *

Best Answer

RTT is "round-trip time", it's the delay between sending the packet and getting the response; the *s mean that the timeout was reached before getting a response.

Three numbers are provided from three different packets to give you a better sampling of the delay to that host.