Datacenter Cross Connect – What Does ‘Cross Connect’ Mean in Datacenters?


I have been doing some research on Datacenters and this is one of term that i have yet to wrap my mind around. I would appreciate if someone in the field could explain in simple terms what exactly does it mean.

Best Answer

A cross-connect is any connection between facilities provided as separate units by the datacenter.

In other words, if you rent a cage, you can run cables betweeen your various racks and they are not really considered "cross connects".

But typically a user facility is a rack. Consider the uplink to a network provider. The line that runs from you to the telco's rack is a cross-connect. Any other between-rack cable run falls in this category. Even if the datacenter is bundling network access, it's still a cross-connect. (It's also typical to have a meet-me room that is the center of all the cross-connects, it's a patch-panel room or cage.)

This matters a lot to the datacenter because the crossconnect uses their overhead cable trays and typically comes with both a setup and a monthly charge.

Update: If itemized, the charge can be $100 - $300, and can depend on various things like the type and speed of the line.

I should also add that sometimes people will unfortunately use "cross-connect" in its literal english sense when referring to any kind of a network connection, even if it's in a datacenter context. I've seen fiber metro links between different buildings and uplink bandwidth contracts quoted as "cross-connects.

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