What does the netmask in an IP address actually tell you

cidrip addressnetmaskroutingsubnet

There are several questions out there asking what the CIDR netmask is, and how it's calculated. But after reading all the top answers, I'm still left wondering, how does the netmask let us distinguish two IP addresses?

For example, if I give you addresses:

  • /32
  • /8

I don't see how these are two different addresses just because you added a more specific "sub group" to one. They are (or seem to be) the same IP address!

To me this seems the equivalent to providing two ways to describe "Bob's House" but claiming they are different locations, for example

  • Bob's House / New York City
  • Bob's House / Brooklyn

Both addresses are exactly the same. They both refer to the same house. It's irrelevant that in one of the "masks" you narrowed it down to the smaller sub-location.

I hope someone understands what I am struggling to understand, and doesn't mark this as a duplicate. I have not found a similar question or answer that addresses this confusing aspect.

Best Answer

You can aggregate networks to one by using more little mask. It is used only for routing or in firewall rules. By example: - NewYork - Brooklyn - Bob's house or campus - Bob.

This isn't used in real networks. By example Bob got the IP address in network. It can connect directly (without routing) to any IP address from this network. But it can't directly connect to because this IP address isn't from Bob's network That is why Bob's computer will send packets to via gateway host (router).

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