What does this mean Superfluous name server listed at parent: ns52.domaincontrol.com


I get this message from pingdom

Superfluous name server listed at parent: ns52.domaincontrol.com

A name server listed at the parent, but not at the child, was found. This is most likely an administrative error. You should update the parent to match the name servers at the child as soon as possible.


I have read about this but one thing that is different in our case is we also get

Too few name servers (1).

Only one name server was found for the zone. You should always have at least two name servers for a zone to be able to handle transient connectivity problems.


we are not using private name servers, just Go Daddy name servers.

how can this be resolved?

Post note

I would like to add that other stuff I had read had been related to private name servers and hence not related to this as we are using Go Daddy name servers. (I'll try and find the information to make my question better) Our records were set up over 6 years ago and the problem only appeared 2 -3 weeks ago, reports of people unable to access our site.

After 6 talks with Go Daddy and numerous hours in between each call over 6 days no resolution was found even though the zone file looked strange from day 1 and finally the zone file was refreshed and the problem was fixed.

Best Answer

The two error messages are both indications of the same misconfiguration. In the com. zone, you have two NS records pointing to ns51.domaincontrol.com. and ns52.domaincontrol.com.

Both respond to queries for the zone, however when either of those servers are queried for NS records for the zone, they only report ns51.domaincontrol.com.

The likely explanation is that you are simply missing one NS record in the zone itself, indicating that ns52.domaincontrol.com. is also NS for the zone.

One error message tells you that ns52.domaincontrol.com. is in glue, but not in the zone, the other tells you that the zone only has a single NS record. Adding one NS record with ns52.domaincontrol.com. would make both messages go away.

It also tells you "Too few IPv4 name servers", which I find ironical, because you have even fewer IPv6 name servers. It is btw. redundant because it already you only have one.