What NIS maps are needed for OSX 10.6 to authenticate


What NIS maps are necessary for OSX 10.6 to authenticate?

I have an ubuntu-sever sharing NIS, and from the OSX client, ypcat passwd, ypcat group and (as root) ypcat shadow.byname all work, and return the correct info.

If I type groups kyle (a user in NIS, but not on the local machine), I get all the correct group information.

The only thing that doesn't work, is logging in.

(And yes, if I point an ubuntu box to that NIS server, everything authenticates off of it just fine).

Best Answer

Mac OS X 10.6 cannot use NIS for authentication (as far as I know). With 10.5 it worked well with our Debian server, but after the upgrade logging in stopped working :-(

But I found the following posts, they can probaly help you:

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