What services do I have to restart to effect config changes in puppet.conf when using foreman


I have puppet 3.8.4 installed via the latest foreman installer.

I enabled the $facts['fact_name'] hash by putting these lines in my puppet.conf:

trusted_node_data = true
trusted_server_facts = true

I restarted some services to try to affect the config change:

sudo systemctl restart foreman-proxy
sudo systemctl restart puppet

But $facts['fact_name'] declarations were still failing.

I completely restarted the server and it started working.

So my question is what services do I have to restart to effect config changes?

I see that with foreman installed (via the foreman installer) the puppetmaster service is disabled (which is why I didn't touch it):

● puppetmaster.service - Puppet master
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/puppetmaster.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)

When I was using straight puppet I had this service enabled and running, but foreman didn't enable it (and foreman is working fine so I guess its supposed to be that way). Would starting and stopping this service affect config changes?

How does foreman work with services like this?

Best Answer

Restart Apache, via systemctl restart httpd or I think, touch /etc/puppet/rack/tmp/restart.txt.

Foreman's installer configures the Puppet master to run under Passenger and Apache (/etc/httpd/conf.d/25-puppet.conf), rather than using the standalone service. It scales and performs a lot better.

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