What’s the difference between a subnet and a netblock


I'm new to networking and am trying to get my terminology straight. I've Google this question but haven't found anything that clearly explains it.

Best Answer

I'm not sure that there is an official definition of "netblock", but in common usage, I've most frequently heard it used in reference to an IP address allocation assigned by an RIR to another organization.

"Subnet", on the other hand, is a more broad networking concept, used when referring to a portion of the IP addresses that are part of a larger network scope.

So, to use these terms together, I will use this fictitious situation:

  • ARIN has allocated the netblock to MyBigCorporation
  • MyBigCorporation needs to subdivide this allocation into smaller subnets for various purposes, so...
  • MyBigCorporation allocates (a subnet of for use by their inbound MXes