What’s the relation between “HP Diagnostics” the “Array Config Utility” and “Windows Disk Manager”

diskmanagementhard drivehpsasstorage

I have a failed drive that is reported in HP Diagnostics

It tells me that Logical Drive 5 has a drive that is about to fail. The name of that hard drive (according to HP Diag) is Hard Drive 36.

I click "Start Drive Identity LED" and the drive and see Drive #1 of my MSA2000 blinking.

I then launch the Array Configuration Utility, and after clicking on all my SAS arrays (and clicking "more information") I discover the RAID name is Drive Array A located in "Port 2E : Box 1 : Bay 1"

I was asked by management to tell them what drive letter of my Windows system was at risk or may have suffered degraded performance… but I don't know how to correlate the bolded information above to what's in disk manager.


How do I map the drives within an HP Array to a Windows Logical Disk?

Best Answer

If you select the logical disk under Systems And Devices and click on More Information, you should see which physical drives make up the logical disk and the windows partition info (see under Disk Name and Disk Partition Information).

here's a screenshot

I think that should tell you everything you need to know.