When to use delaycompress option in logrotate


The man page of logrotate says that:

It can be used when some program cannot be told to close its logfile
and  thus  might  continue writing to the previous log file for some

I'm confused by this. If a program cannot be told to close its logfile, it will continue to write forever, not for sometime. If the compression is postponed to next rotation cycle, the program continues to write to that file even after the next rotation cycle. How is postponing solving the problem?

My understanding is that copytruncate should be used when a program cannot be told to close the logfile. I'm aware that some data written to the logfile gets lost when the copy is in progress.

I was looking at the logrotate file for couchdb, and it had both copytruncate and delaycompress options.

/usr/local/couchdb-1.0.1/var/log/couchdb/*.log {
   rotate 10

It looks like there is no point using delaycompress when copytruncate is already there. What am I missing?

Best Answer

Your understanding of copytruncate is correct, but the wording in the manpage for delaycompress is a little misleading. More properly, it should say "when some program cannot be told to immediately close it's logfile" -- for instance, if you're using sharedscripts and the script sends a signal to the process using the log when all the log files have been rotated.