When using the “Remote Server Administration Tools” on Windows 7 (or Vista), is there a way to make the tools (such as DHCP or DNS) remember servers that I work with on a regular basis

windows 7windows-server-2003

When using the “Remote Server Administration Tools” on Windows 7 (or Vista), is there a way to make the tools (such as DHCP or DNS) remember servers that I work with on a regular basis?

Best Answer

It is the default behavior of those tools to "forget".

The only way I know of around this is to create a MMC, which is handy because you centralize several tools in one window.

Here is the method I use for having those tools remember your servers:

  • Start > Run > mmc.exe
  • File > Add/Remove Snap In
  • Select DNS, DHCP, Hit "add", click Ok
  • Right click DNS, Add Servers
  • Right click DHCP, Add Servers

Lastly, you save your new custom Management Console:

  • File > Save As > servers.msc

Next time you open servers.msc all of your servers will be there.
