Where does openBSD store the IP address


I have an openBSD firewall, and I would really like to know in which file the IP adress of the firewall is stored.

And also where can I see if it set up to be with static IP or dhcp?

Edit by pauska: Dont pack your /etc and put it on public hosting, it contains encrypted passwords and other info that could easily make you a target for hackers.

Best Answer

for each interface: /etc/hostname.<if> e.g. if the interface is em0, the file is /etc/hostname.em0

If the IP address is obtained via DHCP, there is only dhcp in it, else the address, network mask and options

Maunal page for this.

Update: if you want to set you IP address, just create the files. The /etc you provided doesn't contain any configuration of a "real" machine (no network, no ip adresses etc.) It lookslike a generic installer template (flashrd is mentioned, although I haven't used it yet)

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