Where does Xenserver store local VMs


My xenserver crashed a few months ago, I haven't been able to retrieve the VMs that were on it.

There was nothing special about the installation, I think it was all standard.

Is there a way to recover the VMs on it? It won't start up. I have tried searching for them on the hard-drive but I haven't managed to find anything. Does anyone know the location where they are stored on the hard-drive?

Best Answer

Your first stop should be reading Citrix's How to Export a Virtual Machine to an External USB Drive.

It will be best to try and recover the DomU's using the procedures linked - by booting the Dom0 and using xe to export the domU:

# xe vm-list
# xe vm-export vm=myVM filename=myVM-export.xva

If your dom0 is smoking wreckage this gets substantially harder. I don't think you can boot a LiveCD and scrape the VMs off the disks - at the very least we need to know what kind of storage you are using. You could try doing something like re-installing XenServer while leaving the VMs intact (How to Reinstall XenServer and Preserve Virtual Machines on a Local Disk).