Where to define command in nagios


I want to define new command in nagios for remote host but i can't find out where should i write this thing

define command   {


on remote host i have only this file

 vim /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg

Should i write that in above file or i have to write that on nagios host not on remote computer

There is no commands.cfg file on my remote host

Best Answer

Which Nagios packages do you have installed? On my CentOS 5.4 boxes, the Nagios config is in /etc/nagios. Take a look there. The filename is /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg


On the remote side, you need an entry in the nrpe.cfg that looks like command[something]=/some/path/to/command/binary. Then, on the Nagios host, you do your define service { }. The important part is that the command to run is going to look like check_nrpe!something, where something is the same as the one in nrpe.cfg.