Which AWS features are EBS backed

amazon ec2amazon-ebsamazon-web-services

I recently read an article AWS: The good, the bad and ugly, which mentioned that they've moved off of all EBS backed AWS features. What features are explicity (EBS backed EC2 instances) or implicitly (AWS web console) backed by EBS?

Best Answer

EBS is used instead of what Amazon calls ephemeral or instance store because random access IO is apparently better. Sequential IO can be faster on an instance store volume.

EBS Backed

  • EC2 If you select an EBS backed AMI
  • ELB You must select an EBS backed AMI for EC2 host
  • RDS
  • Elastic Beanstalk
  • Elastic MapReduce

Not EBS Backed

  • Route53
  • S3
  • CloudFront
  • Glacier
  • DynamoDB

I am almost positive that SES, SNS, SQS and SWF do not use EBS.

I do not think ElastiCache, CloudFormation, CloudWatch, IAM, or CloudSearch use EBS.