Which is better — single high speed processor or double lower speed processor


I'm looking forward to buy a Dell PowerEdge Tower server, that would cater to a low or moderate expected load, at least for the time being. I have a question about it's processor — whether it is better to have

  • Two Intel Xeon 2.26 GHz processors
  • Single Intel Xeon 2.26 GHz processors
  • Two Intel Xeon 2.0 GHz processors

Option #1 would perhaps be the best, but I'm considering alternatives because of budget constraints. Any insight from the experts will be highly valuable for me!

About the application

I guess my question remains open-ended unless I tell about the web application to be hosted. The web app is a simple one, that lets you execute code remotely. For example, you write a C program, and click on the 'Submit' button. The code then goes to server, gets compiled and executed, and the output (or any error message) is then displayed back to the user in his web browser. So, it has moderately equal amount of both I/O and CPU bound tasks. And yes, a child process is forked every time to run a code.

Best Answer

It depends on your load. If your app is single-threaded, CPU-bound one, the GHz trumps almost anything. If you have a multiple multi-threaded apps (e.g. a web server), then core count is more important than single-threaded performance, and if you are I/O bound, then CPU doesn't really matter much.

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