While using Nmap and sweep the network with a ping


I'm studying up on using Nmap, and there is a command that sweeps the network with a simple Ping scan to determine which hosts are online.

The command is this:

 1 [ignore_this]# nmap -sP

And the output:

   3 Starting Nmap 4.01 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at
   4 2006-07-14 14:19 BST
   5 Host appears to be up.
   6 MAC Address: 00:09:5B:29:FD:96 (Netgear)
   7 Host appears to be up.
   8 MAC Address: 00:0F:B5:96:38:5D (Netgear)
   9 Host appears to be up.
  10 Host appears to be up.
  11 MAC Address: 00:14:2A:B1:1E:2E (Elitegroup Computer System Co.)
  12 Nmap finished: 256 IP addresses (4 hosts up) scanned in 5.399 seconds

And I'm a littl confused… the command is nmap -sP To my (basic) knowledge in networking, this is just a class A ip address, except the /24 at the end is the subnet mask. Why is he including the subnet mask?

Sorry if I'm a little mis-informed and don't understand the topic very well, but I have no clue at all why the /24 is there. Personally I've never used a subnet, I'm not to familiar with it. The most I've ever done with subnetting is write it out on paper and found out what the host portions/networking and broadcasts parts were. I've never actually used subnetting in a computer, I didn't even know you could essentialy ping an ip address with the /24…

If anyone knows

  1. Where did he get this from?
  2. Why did he include it…
  3. A little more on how it works…

Best Answer

Even though is defined as a Class-A network, you can still define smaller networks inside it.

So is used to define a smaller network ranging from to As example, /23 could also have been used to define a network ranging form to, etc.

I would suggest you look into the CIDR calculator at the following URL (http://www.subnet-calculator.com/cidr.php)

As a side note, in your command, you are not asking NMAP to ping an IP... you are asking that he scan a defined range. You could also point it toward a single IP, but NMAP will most likely translate it as $ip/32.

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