Whitelist Single (Spoofed) Email Address on Zimbra/Postfix


I have setup Zimbra to reject emails originating from users that are not logged in (spoofed emails).

I have this setup in /opt/zimbra/conf/domainrestrict

This has been working great for a long while.

I now have a need to "whitelist" a single email address that will always get caught by this configuration. The email originates from our website hosting system, but is sent on this email address' behalf. So to Zimbra, it appears to be a spoofed email address in the from field.

I tried adding this email address to /opt/zimbra/conf/postfix_recipient_access and setting it to OK, but it seems to still get caught up and rejected.

I also tried adding the hosting services ip addresses to zimbraMtaMyNetworks (postfix's myNetworks), but there's well over 70 IP addresses today, and this could change over time. This configuration seemed to not agree with Zimbra, and postfix started rejecting everything as having 451 4.3.0 Temporary lookup error. Session aborted, reason: lost connection. It seems the IP address list was too big and some timeout is occurring on the DNS server?

What can I do to keep rejecting spoofed emails, but allow ones for a specific email address to come through?

Best Answer

Have you tried using SPF focus on the IP address from which the email in question originates. SPF is essentially, for all practical purposes a white list of allowed IP addresses and hosts. Maybe see if you can go the email auth route?