Why after deleting a 110+ GB collection, the /var/lib/mongodb directory still have same size


I am having some troubles with MongoDB and space usage. In particular, I once used to have a large collection of about 600 million records totaling 110+ GB on disk. Recently I decided to drop it because the data was outdated, to do so I dropped the collection through rockmongo's web interface. Accordingly, rockmongo doesn't show me the collection anymore, however my disk usage hasn't changed at all.

Is there any clean operation which I am not aware of, which must be run in order to synchronize the database with database files on disk?

I have tried to perform a "repair" but the system complains that there's not enough space on disk … that's because it is all used by MongoDB.

Best Answer

As with most database systems, the database files does not shrink when you delete data, the data is just removed/marked as deleted, and the space is reused.

You'll need to run db.repairDatabase() to compact space as noted here