Netcat – Why UDP Port Scans Always Succeed


I'm trying to verify that a couple of our servers can communicate via certain ports before migrating some of our services to them, and that they're not blocked by our organizations firewall ACLs.

Makes Sense

[mrduki@mybox1~]$ nc -ul 40000
[mrduki@mybox2~]$ nc -zvuw2 40000
Connection to 40000 port [udp/*] succeeded!

Doesn't Make Sense

[mrduki@mybox1~]$ nc -ul 40000
[mrduki@mybox1~]$ ^C
[mrduki@mybox2~]$ nc -zvuw2 40000
Connection to 40000 port [udp/*] succeeded!

In fact, if I do a port scan from 40000-40100, every single port succeeds.

If I do the same tests without -u (so that it tests TCP instead of UDP), I get 40000 (tcp) timed out: Operation now in progress errors, as I would expect (since I have no such TCP service listening on 40000).

Doing a sudo netstat -alnp | grep LISTEN on mybox1 though shows no such services listening on these ports. So what am I missing?

Best Answer

nc may not be the best tool for testing port status. Have you tried nmap? It's actually a port scanner. I checked a file server on my home network and, both report that UDP port 40000 is closed.


# nmap -sU -p 40000 igor

Starting Nmap 7.01 ( ) at 2016-08-18 18:27 EDT
Nmap scan report for igor (
Host is up (0.00027s latency).
rDNS record for igor.swass
40000/udp closed unknown
MAC Address: 68:05:CA:3A:BF:B7 (Intel Corporate)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.53 seconds

Kernel + /dev

You can also use the kernel to do this like so. But nmap is probably better.

# timeout 3 cat < /dev/udp/

When I tried nc on the same server (igor) I was getting the same results as you. But I went back to try again, and now it returning no output (no succeeded message) and wireshark is showing "Destination unreachable" being sent back over ICMP. I don't understand any of this. But I'd switch to a different method of checking UDP port status.